Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Acne pit scar removal evansville indiana

« ...Buying acne medication at your local drug store is one of the first steps to treating your acne yourself, at home. But with such a wide variety of products available, and add to the fact that more and more celebrities endorsed products are coming into the market everyday that try to catch your attention, it can be a little bit difficult for you to make the wiser purchase. I was in your shoes, buying the latest and most expensive acne treatment products that promised me a miracle, and in the end, getting no improvement over my acne condition....
...Active ingredients in creams also may make a difference in the type that is chosen to combat acne. The most common active ingredient found in acne creams is benzoyl peroxide. The amount in the cream should be small for mild to moderate acne, because too much of this can dry out the skin and lead to other complications later on. Most creams in stores are about 2 or 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. For more severe acne, a higher concentration, such as a 10% solution may be recommended by a dermatologist. Alcohol is another common ingredient. Much like benzoyl peroxide, you will find this in your acne creams in very minute amounts because using it too much in the cream would dry out the skin. It is important to know that you should always try acne treatments on a small portion of skin because their is a chance that your skin may be allergic to the chemicals within the acne cream....»
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«...Men and woman have different skin types and are often plagued by different kinds of skin problems. Although their skin types are different there is one major skin condition that is not bothered about whether you are female or male. Acne. Male and female sufferers of acne can be prone to this skin condition for various reasons. Woman often suffer from acne due to constantly applying lotions and makeup to the skin, whilst males can be prone to acne due to the physical activities they undertake or the environments that they work in....»
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tags: juicing to help acne, how to dry up acne at home, foods not to eat for acne

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